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7 Behaviors All Coaches Must STOP
- Making Excuses: How often have you talked yourself out of going to a networking event telling yourself “I never meet anyone of interest?”
- Working 24/7: ... especially true for those who work from home. Take a break, relax, breathe…. get up from your desk every 90 minutes even when you are in the zone and stretch and walk
- Judging Yourself: That old gremlin will get you every time – reprogram your gremlin when you start hearing “You’re not smart enough, rich enough, etc.”
- Starting with “No,” “But,” or “However”: Beginning a sentence with these negative qualifiers discounts what the other person says in favor of “ I’m right and you’re wrong.”
- Not Working the Brain Muscle Enough: The brain (a) needs oxygen, (b) like any muscle needs exercise and (c) focus takes lots of practice.
- Not Saying "I’m Wrong": It doesn’t have to come out of your mouth every day but it is important to acknowledge when you have not taken responsibility for your own actions and are seeking to blame others around you.
- Not listening: Listening is not waiting for the other person to stop speaking. It is an active behavior – stop trying to think of a response while someone else is still speaking.